
Mudjacking Category Archives for AAA Concrete Raising. Click here to catch up on the latest Mudjacking tips, tricks and news.

How Much Does Mudjacking Cost?

2020-08-14T09:10:09-06:00August 14th, 2020|

The foundation is one of the most essential components of a structure. Therefore, when a concrete foundation begins to fail, it’s imperative to address the issue as soon as possible. Sagging, uneven or cracked concrete is all but guaranteed to lead to other problems, including structural damage, that can easily be prevented by maintaining a

What to do About Uneven Interior Concrete Flooring

2020-06-17T11:50:54-06:00June 17th, 2020|

Concrete is widely viewed as a durable and long-lasting building material, but even it is subject to wear and tear. Whether it’s a crack that goes from bad to worse, settlement or erosion issues underneath the slab, or excess moisture causing uneven dips and bumps, there are a number of factors that affect the structural

How Voids Form Underneath Concrete and Why it is a Problem

2021-12-22T09:04:32-07:00May 26th, 2020|

A void under a concrete slab is a dangerous scenario that needs to be resolved as soon as its presence is known. Failing to do so may result in structural failure of the slab and subsequent injury, or worse. In order to fix a void underneath concrete, it helps to understand how they form. There

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