
Blog Category Archives for AAA Concrete Raising. Click below to catch up on the latest Blog tips, tricks and news involving concrete raising.

Pervious Concrete Driveway

2023-01-26T16:40:29-07:00January 26th, 2023|

Pervious concrete is a type of structural pavement with an exceptional volume (ranging from 15% to 35%) of interconnected voids. Like traditional concrete, it is made from a mixture of water, coarse aggregates and cement. However, it contains little to no sand, which creates an open-cell porous surface that allows water to pass through easily. 

What to Use Instead of Salt on Concrete

2023-01-18T15:04:16-07:00January 18th, 2023|

The traditional remedy for icy walkways, salt can kill grass, damage soil and shorten the lifespan of your driveway. It’s also toxic to pets and leads to the over-salinization of rivers and lakes. Here are some effective alternatives to help you thaw your frozen concrete surfaces and prevent dangerous falls. Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA) A

How Thick Should a Concrete Driveway Be?

2022-12-02T10:34:40-07:00December 2nd, 2022|

Concrete thickness plays a big role in determining the long-term durability of a driveway. But how thick should a concrete driveway be to prevent sagging, cracking and other forms of surface failure? Here’s what you should know. What Determines Necessary Thickness? Concrete is a heavy material that needs underlying support to prevent sagging, breaking and

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