One of the world’s strongest materials, concrete is ideal for industrial, commercial and residential construction. That said, like everything else, it can break down over time. Tiny cracks and sags can create tripping hazards and threaten the structural integrity of your property.

To prolong the life of your concrete, it’s best to repair minor issues before they evolve into significant problems. Here’s how you can restore damaged concrete without spending a fortune.

Act Quickly

Leaving minor concrete repairs unattended will usually lead to major problems that can’t be corrected by simple repairs. If you don’t act early, you may be forced to completely replace the entire structure, which can be very expensive.

In some cases, this can include, not just the concrete surface, but foundations, columns or walls. Since minor concrete repair costs much less than total concrete replacement, it’s best to be proactive anytime you notice cracked or sagging concrete in or around your home.

Don’t Do-it-Yourself

These days, homeowners have access to all sorts of helpful remodeling articles and videos on the internet. While these resources may be fine for minor home repairs, they can get you into big trouble if you rely on them for concrete repair advice.

concrete repair with jackhammerConcrete repair requires experience and training to ensure that a structure is safe and durable. Without it, you can easily make a problem much worse. In addition to making a mess, you could accidentally cover up structural issues and make a failing surface that much more dangerous. It’s not uncommon for DIY concrete repair to make a problem worse, forcing the homeowner to pay for a new surface when a knowledgeable professional could have fixed the issue with some targeted repairs.

Choose the Right Concrete Repair Method

It’s common for homeowners to spend way too much on concrete replacement when a less expensive option is available. The most expensive way to repair concrete, slab replacement is only necessary in severe instances. In many cases, mudjacking is enough to restore sinking or cracked concrete.

A time-tested, cost-effective concrete repair solution, mudjacking is a very sound way to return settling concrete to its original position. It’s one of the most popular options for homeowners and businesses in need of timely repairs that work within their budgets.

The process is simple: After drilling a relatively small hole into the existing concrete, the contractor injects a slurry filler below the surface to fill up any gaps. This elevates the concrete until it’s completely flush with the ground-level surface.

In addition to being one of the least expensive ways to repair concrete, mudjacking offers several advantages. For one, it’s non-invasive, meaning you don’t need any real digging or large, disruptiv犀利士
e machinery. The task can be completed with very little disturbance to a property, household and surrounding neighbors.

Mudjacking costs around 60% less than total concrete replacement, making it a very attractive option for cost-conscious homeowners. It’s also a fast, efficient way to restore damaged concrete. The whole process can usually be finished in a single day, often within a couple of hours.

While it can be a fast, cost-effective option for concrete repair, mudjacking isn’t always appropriate. If the slab has extensive cracking or other serious damage, total replacement may be necessary. Mudjacking is typically only appropriate if the settling concrete is in relatively good shape.

Hire the Right Professional

For reliable, high-quality mudjacking, you need a seasoned concrete contractor. Mastering this skill takes years, and a lack of expertise can lead to disappointing results.

It’s very important to choose a reputable professional who’s been in the mudjacking business for many years. With an experienced contractor, you are much more likely to get expert service and longer-lasting results.

For more than two full decades, AAA Concrete Raising has served Colorado businesses and homeowners all around the Denver metro area. Our innovative equipment completely eliminates the need for awkward, loud machinery, ensuring fast, efficient work that never disrupts the local neighborhood.

AAA Concrete Raising brings the best materials and leading-edge expertise to completely fill and support the voids beneath concrete slabs. This ensures a safe, functional concrete surface and avoids the need for total slab replacement.

To get started repairing your concrete, contact us today.